Saturday, October 15, 2005


Peng by Corey Lewis

I dub Peng to be the anti-Infinite Crisis. In many ways, these comics are the same. See in Peng, characters from all over Lewis's universe (Sharknife, Apollonia No, Appleton, Scott Pilgrim, etc) converge for one world changing event. But instead of it being some incomprehensible mess of whinny superhero and continuity hogwash, they play kickball! How much better would Infinite Crisis be if it featured a kickball game as it's central conflict? Tons!

Peng was a real surprise. I didn't really like Sharknife all that much but this was a blast. Corey Lewis is one weird kid. I'm sure I couldn't hang with him but I love his energy, style and sense of fun. Another great thing about this comic, there are no bad guys. Everyone is cool. The harshest it gets is some heckling and the dude even feels bad about that.

Also, Peng introduces America's next big catch phrase: "Victory Puke!"


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